

芝加哥水龙头公司致力于通过监测电力来减少对环境的影响, 天然气, water, 以及进入垃圾填埋场的垃圾数量. 仅在我们密尔沃基的铸造厂, 我们每年减少堆填区的废物量达60%. 令人惊讶的是,我们98%的废黄铜都被回收利用——我们内部每年回收超过20吨. 既然我们利用干净, 初铸合金制造工艺, 废料可以作为铸锭返回铸造. 我们还与外部合作伙伴一起回收了600多吨黄铜. 因为黄铜是一种宝贵的资源, we ask you to join our recycling efforts by taking your retired 芝加哥水龙头 配件 to an appropriate recycling facility. 请浏览 废料回收工业协会网站 找到附近的回收商. 

芝加哥水龙头公司是美国自来水协会的成员.S. 绿色建筑委员会. USGBC has developed The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™, 衡量在美国建造的建筑物的效率和可持续性.S. 并获得美国国家标准协会(ANSI)的认可。.

我们很自豪能成为节水的合作伙伴, 这是环保局赞助的一个项目, designed to protect the future of our nation's water supply by promoting water efficiency and enhancing the market for water efficient products, 项目, 和实践. 产品 meeting 节水 are identified in the compliance section of each product's information and are also listed here.

芝加哥水龙头公司是节水联盟的特许赞助商, 一个广泛的非营利组织,致力于有效和可持续地利用水. 它将各种利益相关者聚集在一起,倡导提高用水效率和节约用水. 


美国绿色建筑              节水标志                  水联盟                 



吉博力集团,芝加哥水龙头的母公司已被授予白金评级 its 可持续性 管理从 EcoVadis是全球最大的企业可持续发展评级提供商之一. 在EcoVadis的上市公司中,吉博力名列前1%. Geberit consistently implements eco-design principles of its new products from the selection of raw 材料 to disposal; the company also takes measures that successively reduce water consumption. 特别是,这包括在实验室和生产过程中重复使用水.

“可持续发展和社会责任是密切相关的,对我们来说是重要的主题. 吉博力已经证明了经济上的成功, 以环境友好的方式行事与社会平衡在术语上并不矛盾. 相反,我们认为可持续发展是开辟新道路的机会. The Geberit Group wishes to maintain its top position amongst its competitors in the field of 可持续性 and thus to continue to be a role model for the industry in future." ——阿尔伯特·M. 董事会主席Baehny在可持续发展报告中

“缺水, 它被世界经济论坛(WEF)列为最高风险。, 表明水管理是可持续发展的一个关键问题. 吉博力产品对环境的最大贡献仍然在于节约用水." ——吉博力首席执行官Christian Buhl在《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》中如是说

Sustainability has a long tradition at Geberit where it has been a central theme since the early nineties. It influences the company's strategic orientation and is regarded as a yardstick for thinking and acting in its research and development as well as in manufacturing. 详细信息请参见 网上可持续发展报告 或下载可持续发展报告 PDF文件. 详情请浏览 吉博力集团网站 或点击查看吉博力北美网站 here.




ADA  芝加哥水龙头 offers over 150 products designed and manufactured to meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.

ANSI Z1.5 /注册会计师9.1M  气阀经过ANSI Z1测试和认证.5 /注册会计师9.1M.

ASME A112.18.1  All 芝加哥水龙头 plumbing supply 配件 are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the ASME A112.18.1水暖装置标准. 详情请咨询工厂.

ASSE 1016 / ASSE1001  芝加哥水龙头 pressure balancing and combination thermostatic and pressure balancing shower valves comply with ASSE 1016. 芝加哥水龙头真空断路器符合ASSE 1001, ASSE 1035和CSA B64.1.1.

ASSE [au:] [au:.1070 / csa b125.70  芝加哥水龙头 offers products with a thermostatic mixing valve for limiting water temperature and scald protection.

CSA B125  All 芝加哥水龙头 plumbing supply 配件 are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the ASME A112.18.1水暖装置标准. 详情请咨询工厂.

ISO 14001  芝加哥水龙头 takes a systematic approach in its environmental management system to verify hazard potentials, 控制它们,从而防止重大事件的发生, 因此符合ISO 14001标准.

ISO 9001  芝加哥水龙头 meets ISO 9001 international standards based on the ability to establish and maintain a uniform quality management system to better meet the needs of our customers.

ISO 45001  芝加哥水龙头符合ISO 45001职业健康和安全管理体系.

NSF/ANSI 61第9节  Applies to all drinking water and lavatory faucets and states that leaching of lead into drinking water may not exceed 5 parts per billion at 1 liter dilution. 芝加哥水龙头拥有最大的水龙头列表之一,通过ANSI/NSF 61,第9节认证. Your 芝加哥水龙头 sales representative can provide you with a current and complete listing of 芝加哥水龙头 products certified according to the ANSI/NSF 61, 9节.


芝加哥水龙头公司很自豪能成为自2007年以来由美国环保署赞助的节水的合作伙伴. The 节水 program is designed to protect the future of our nation's water supply by promoting efficiency and enhancing the market for water efficient products, 项目, 和实践. 芝加哥水龙头提供广泛的选择节水列出的配件. 


芝加哥水龙头公司的节水产品也有资格获得绿色地球仪项目的积分. The Green Globes system was based on the Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) by the Canadian Standards Association. 它由绿色建筑倡议组织拥有和运营,并在美国和加拿大使用.


The California Building Standards Commission implemented the CalGreen Building Standards Code to encourage more sustainable building practices. 芝加哥水龙头提供超过200种产品,具有低流量,以满足此代码.


The California Energy Commission (CEC) Appliance Efficiency Program requires that manufacturers of certain appliances meet state and federal standards for energy and water efficiency. Manufacturers must also certify the performance of their appliances to demonstrate compliance with the standards and make this information available to the public. 完整的合规信息可在CEC网站上获得, 您也可以点击以下链接下载芝加哥水龙头公司产品的CEC合规数据:


CEC                Calgreen               greenglobes           ada兼容



We are an environmentally conscious company that has been committed to careful handling of energy and natural resources for many years. 通过我们多样化的活动和前瞻性的交易, 我们为减少全球二氧化碳排放做出贡献, 污染, 水资源短缺.


在我们的环境管理范围内, 我们给自己定了明确的目标, 从而持续改善我们的环保表现. 我们将环境标准纳入所有活动和决策过程.


我们遵守法律,超越最低要求. 在适用的情况下,我们满足与环境方面有关的其他要求.


我们在环境方面培训和培养员工的环保意识. 我们还让客户、供应商和其他利益团体参与到这一承诺中. Only through joint efforts can this responsibility be borne constructively and lead to genuinely sustained development in the long term.


我们谴责以牺牲环境为代价的无情利润. 相反,我们努力实现商业、环境和社会目标之间的和谐平衡.



作为芝加哥水龙头公司的员工, 吉博力集团的成员, we acknowledge that quality and continual improvement is the responsibility of each of us as team members of the business. We will use our customers' expectations to define the quality of our products that we endeavor to make intrinsic in our designs, 材料, 和流程.


为了实现这一目标, we will develop and adhere to an environment of continuous improvement throughout all of our businesses.


支持本质量方针, the management team pledges to provide directives and leadership which emphasize our customers' expectations for our products as the first priority in all functions of the business and will supply the resources required to train our employees in methods for continually improving our quality level.


我们将在整个业务中制定并记录h2流程,重点关注客户满意度, 利用和遵守ISO9001体系和其他要求.


We will regularly review and measure our businesses to ensure that we are adhering to the procedures intended to guarantee quality for our customers.




  • 我们员工的健康和安全是最重要的. 所有事故和与工作有关的疾病都是可以避免的.
  • 我们力争实现零事故率.
  • 我们希望成为我们行业的安全领导者.
  • 我们不断提高自己,并设定雄心勃勃的目标.
  • 我们遵守相关的职业安全法规,并超越这一最低要求.
  • 我们有明确的职业安全原则和特定场所的行为规则.
  • The adherence to these principles and rules is the duty of every single employee and will be lived out and strictly demanded by the whole management.


  • Occupational safety is a part of every employee’s responsibilities; all safety and behavior rules must be followed. 违反规则将受到纪律处分. 上级是榜样,确保意识,并不断培训员工. 他们严格要求职业安全,并定期解决这一问题.
  • 不安全情况应立即注意和/或消除.
  • 职业安全人员支持上级的工作.
  • 对所有事故进行系统分析, 确定和实施的措施, 它们的有效性也得到了检验.
  • 由管理层或专家定期进行内部和外部审计, 在所有植物中.
  • 职业安全是车间会议的一个组成部分, 转变交接, 以及其他管理会议.





